I spyed the blush Lured To Love from the Divine Nights Collection and despite my huge collection of peachy blushes this one is a bit different and it has a beautiful sheen to it, perfect for when you can't be bothered with blush and highlighter! It really warms up your face so could be used instead of bronzer too.
I have been after this Paint Pot in Soft Ochre for forever and when I noticed it in stock I quickly popped it into my virtual basket. This is a perfect base for anyone with a more yellow undertone and I find great for concealing the veins on my eyelid which drive me bloody mad! It really brings out the colour in eyeshadows and keeps them on all day. I even wear it without any eyeshadow on top as I find it brightens up the eyes especially when you lack sleep all the time.
Lastly another MAC product I have been after for a while, the Prep and Prime Highlighter in Light Boost. Ever since Carli used it forever ago in a tutorial I have been after it but it was one of those products you put off getting. I do think this is very similar to the YSL highlighter in 1.5 (a very yellow toned, light concealer) so if you have that, this may not be a necessity but I find it gives such a nice highlight without having to use sheeny or sparkly powders. Perfect for that sculpted and highlighter Kim K-esque look!
Debenhams have a 15% off (10% off MAC) today so quickly go and snap them up!
P.S sorry for my lack of posts, I just started University online so I am trying to get used to balancing my time!

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